5 step Plan to Dream

Proven Two Can Sail Couples Cruisers for Sale

The Lifestyle

First: Buy our Book!
Then: Attend Seminars, Take a Sample-the-Life Style Sail, Learn to Sail with Formal Classes like Basic Keelboat, Sail on Friend Boats, Take more classes like Bareboat Chartering, Go Day sailing!

Cruising Experience

Bareboat Charter, Join Flotillas, Sail new places like the BVIs and Abacos, Read Sailing magazines and Books, Join in local club races, Go to boat shows

Buying The Boat

Learn more about design, systems, construction, and what compromises to make, Attend our "Try Before You Buy" workshop, Pick the right boat for you, Shop, Survey, Insure, Purchase

Learn Your Boat

Learn what's best for how you plan to cruise, Choose additional equipment, Learn systems ops and maint., Short runs to learn how she handles, Sail disconnected from shore, Make your first offshore passage

Advanced Training

ASA 105/106 Advanced Courses, Advanced Seminars like Lee Chesneau's Weather course, Take diesel repair classes, Take Safety-at-Sea Seminars Go night sailing, Crew on passage of more than 100nm

Steps Lead Up To

Sunset cocktails in the cockpit of your new cruising home in some tropical paradise!

This Five Step Plan is a suggestion for charting your route to your cruising sailing goals. Of course, this route highlights where Two Can Sail can help you meet the milestones (or waypoints as we nautically call them) along the way. We believe that you will find the cruising lifestyle highly rewarding and following this Five Step Plan will allow you both to cruise anywhere in the world with confidence and enjoyment.

The Book! "Two Can Sail"

"The 5 Step Plan to Buy a Boat to Go Cruising"

Written By Captains
Jeff Grossman & Jean Levine, AMS

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