
Two Can Sail Couples Page Testimonials,
Pictures and Other Fun

Sample of Seminar graduates and what they are sailing now

I participated in the "Two Can Sail Couples Cruising Seminar" given by the very bright and ebullient couple, Jeff & Jean Grossman. They ran a first class show at ...Clear Lake and I was impressed by how organized yet flexible they were. Their extensive experience in charters and delivery allowed them to quickly modify their presentation to appeal to their participants particular interests and cruising destinations. Texas to Florida can be a particularly difficult introduction to cruising for new sailors and they handled this superbly. I found them especially good at engaging the participants in active learning by relating their own experiences. They also remembered that cruising is a fun lifestyle and as they're still chartering and teaching sailing, they were able to provide humorous incites that put many of the attendees at ease. They were particularly good at explaining emergency equipment and procedures without terrifying everyone. I sincerely feel that these couples represent the future of cruising and are the very heart of our business.
Fair winds
Steven Bowden
SeaTech Systems